Saturday, June 7, 2014

I will, I swear

Is this real?
I don't even know..
how did these 10 months pass by?

..still too much to be said, to be felt, .. to be lived.
I just can't ..

And I wish we just ..

Already missing everything. Time flies.

When I see your face 

When I hear your voice 
It seems like the world 
Stops spinning round 

Your embrace 
I finally found 
Peace in my mind 

Long days, short nights 
Heart rate, sky high 
Time flies 

Come to me 
You know what to do 
You say the things 
That I wanted to hear 

But I'm not sure 
If you are what i need 

Long days, short nights 
Heart rate, sky high 
Time flies 

Can you hear that sound? 
It's the sound of my heart 
And it's beating just for you 
Hope you feel it too.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Som to Ja

Dnes mám chuť písať v miľúbenej slovenčine! Len tak ... že som štastná. Aj všetci okolo mňa :-) A neprší konečne ale krásne je slnečno. Radosť žiť! A stále nechápem a nevládzem akosi spracovať že takto o dva týždne už budem v Štockholme s famíljou?! :) To sa snáď ani nedá, aby tých 10 mesiacov prešlo takto rýchlo.. Ale že mi to tu bude chýbať. A neskutočne mám toho veľa na mysli, v hlave a spisujem si všetko do Moleskinu. 

Alicka je happeh a tak veľmi sa z toho teším! A bude v Leviciach cez leto, aj Mirka. El Mundo bude mať pravidelnú návštevu, hehe. A Siska ide na internship do Španielska za čavkom. Life 8000 a neskutočnú radosť mám že si našla soulmate a že takto môžu byť spolu celé leto. A ideme spolu s Mimi a Johnnym a Siskou na bytík v Pražke! Bude life nenormálny juj! Excited som z toho už len keď na to pomyslím. Božeeeee YES :-)) juuj. 

A musím dopísať ešte esej na development class a zopakovať témy na švédčinu a v stredu budem done! A vo štvrtok Gothenburg na 2 dnii! Svätá vec ohh! Toľko je toho čo chcem ešte stihnúť a urobiť a vidieť. 2 týždne sú málo .. 

A neviem, ale zase si dávam dokopy niektoré veci a prečo je všetko ako je ... a som simply GRATEFUL. Keď si uvedomím, že God nám každému pripravil presne všetko tak, aby sme rástli a učili sa. Challenges vo všetkom. Ale len pre naše dobro. Každý z nás má nachystanú vlastnú cestu a všetko sa deje ako sa má. A to je na tom to najkrajšie. Že žiadna skratka neexistuje. A všetko má svoj čas... A neskutočne veľmi som vďačná ... že som presne kde momentálne som, že všetko v mojom živote je ako je. Že life is wonderful. Len niekedy to spoza zbytočné slzy nevidíme. A po kratučkom období zase mierneho seba-ľutovania a prílišného dreamingovania som to stopla. Načo? :) Načo sa trápiť a riešiť. God knows what he is doing ... Stretneme koho stretnúť máme a ak sa niečo má stať tak sa stane. A nechať sa ovládať chvíľkovými emóciami je hlúposť. A možno niekedy aj potrebujeme niekoho kto nám to pripomenie. (Patricia<3) 

A mám strašnú chuť na druhej strane už ísť domov a začať sa venovať rodinke. Budú changes veľké, nech sa tešia na tieto 4 mesiace hehe. A dúfam že veľa času sa podarí byť aj na Liptove. V lesoch. Ticho a pokoj. Nature. Peace. A moja zmena tiež bude. Kayla je pripravená a ja cítim a viem že tentokrát už to dotiahnem. Keď observujem ako moje telo negatívne reaguje na crap ktorý si občas dám(!) tak ako dikičko, ale stačilo. A chcem začať s jógou a viac čítať. Všetko. Explorovať. Be in constant process of creating myself. A hlavne si uvedomiť že "všetko zlé je na niečo dobré.";) 

A milujem prechádzať sa v Ryd foreste. A hlavne keď je prázdno ako dnes večer ... a zapadá slnko. A vôňa lesa je to najdokonalejšie čo existuje... A z pôvodne plánovanej pol hodinky som to potiahla na hodku aj štvrť. A veru že neľutujem. Ani zablatené najky. Nič. :-) 

Aaaa je ešte asi milión ďalších vecí, čo by som sem chcela napísať, no stačilo. Veď už zaspávam za obrazovkou,heh. A milujem Rumího.

“Observe the wonders as they occur around You. 
Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be Silent.” 

“Everything in the universe is within you. 
Ask all from yourself. 


do očí chcem si riecť vždy ... som to Ja. 
cudzí aj známi, no jedna z týchto tvári Moja. 


Thursday, May 8, 2014

See How


Just cannot get over how incredibly good these guys from Bristol are. 
Pure   a d d i c t i o n

See how the rain washed away
oh how
the colors fade 

you broke my heart a thousand times
 or more

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Something about you was different

oh God, can these two girls get any better? Cause their music is close to PERFECTION. Cannot get enough, every single song is just p r e c i o u s! 
I soooo remember when they performed this one at HG in Linkoping. Fell in love right awaaay and now, finally!,  came the day when the official version is up! <3 shivveeeeerss ...

the time would pass without a trace
watch the sunset on your face 
making love as morning comes
whisper something warm
wanting more and more and more

Don't say it's over, don't say ... 

I still feel your kisses burn with peppermint

Something about you was different
There was something in your touch that felt different

Don't say it's over, don't say it's over

I still feel your kisses burn with a peppermint


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

All the different places you know

Beautiful past days
Sun in my eyes
Wind in my hair
Love on my mind and in my heart
Endless walks and runs in sunset
Music as my best companion
So much peace and calmness all around 


gonna miss you, Sweden ... 

wherever you go
all the different places you know 

I want you to sigh,
it's alright

i wanted to keep you close
make you mine 


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Into Dust

Enough is enough. A couple of bad days is something I will, I guess, always need. I would not feel "me" if I was to be all the time just happy, heh. But who would? And who doesn't have harder days too? Nothing wrong with that.

Just cannot allow myself to get too overwhelmed by it, forget of the countless number of things I should be grateful for. I have way more than most of the people could even imagine. Just need to reflect upon it once a while to not forget to remember that. 

The afternoon sun warmed my room and my emotions, too! heh :) And this is what I have stumbled upon! 

This incredibly BEAUTIFUL girl named Essena, from Australia! I have been actually following her on Instagram for quite a while and always loved her posts. And since I remember that she posts a wonderful pics, messages and has her own blog, I knew immediately where to look for for inspiration I have desired today! Even though she is just of an age of 17, she looks and behaves definitely more mature. I love how kind and sweet she is. Such a burst of life and joy and love from all her photos! I could praise her forever. 

<3 SUCH AN INSPIRATION! check her out here. :))

She is turning vegan right now, she lives in PARADISE (AUSTRALIAAA!!) and she nourishes her body with good food and exercise! Beautiful and absolutely inspiring! <3 THANK YOU!

(first photo from her website, second one from her Instagram)

And thanks to her I have also found The Universe ;)

Signed up for The Notes from the Universe.. I am happy to start receiving these from Monday on! There is never enough of the inspiration :)

Finally, the song I have known for EVER, but is one of THE ones I always turn to, let's say after reflecting back on the stuff that has made me sad. 
But then ..i am just letting go ... :) 

So peaceful! <3 

Saturday, May 3, 2014


the last month in Sweden.
swedish driving me crazyyy -> exam soon! 
Valborg barbeque and fireworks! 
plans plans plans
Gothenburg is a MUST see before I leave! 
Evening/Night walks to breathe it ll out. 
Thinking way too much.

<3 <3 

just think what it might be like, to live like that every night..